Tips for Getting Your Teen to Wear Braces

Understanding The Benefits Of Opting For An Amalgam Dental Filling

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If you need a dental filling in one of your back teeth, then you have some choices available to you. Two of the most common filling materials are composite resin and amalgam. While composite fillings are regularly used in the front of the mouth or in any area that is likely to be noticed by an observer, amalgam fillings can, and are often are, chosen for the back teeth. The fillings may not necessarily look pretty, but there are quite a few benefits to choosing them over composite ones for the premolars and molars. Read More»

Top Four Questions To Consider With Invisalign And Your Teen

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Your teenager will face a lot of difficulties as they enter middle and high school, and having crooked teeth will add to them. Braces are an option, but may not be one your child wants because food will get stuck and be visible. Invisalign is another option that you want to check into, and here are just a few things to keep in mind. What Is Invisalign? The first question that may come to mind is likely going to be what is Invisalign? Read More»

Does Vaping Affect Your Oral Health?

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If you’re a smoker, you may be considering vaping—using an electric cigarette that produces vapor instead of smoke—either as a way to help yourself stop smoking or as an alternative to cigarettes when smoking isn’t an option. The big question when it comes to vaping is this: is vaping really safer than smoking? When considering the question, you need to think not only about the effect vaping has on your lungs but also how it affects your teeth and gums. Read More»

Tired of Having Sore, Painful Gums? How Implant Restoration May Be Right for You

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If your gums feel sore and painful when you wear dentures all day, consider having dental-implant restoration surgery to improve your situation. Although dentures can help you eat and speak properly, the appliances can make your mouth feel sore and painful after a while. Dental-implant restoration is an option most adults qualify for if they have healthy bone tissue in their jawbones. If you don’t have healthy jaws, an implant dentist may be able to rebuild them over time. Read More»

Three Reasons Why Teeth Whitening May Not Be Effective

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Teeth whitening treatment is an effective way to brighten a smile that has been dulled by time, food, and bad habits such as smoking. In fact, it has a 90-percent success rate when done correctly. Unfortunately, there are a few instances when a person may not achieve the desired results after undergoing a teeth whitening procedure. Here are three of those times and possible solutions to the problem. You’re Trying to Whiten Dental Appliances Read More»