Tips for Getting Your Teen to Wear Braces

Helpful Tips For Going To The Dentist When You Haven't Been In A While

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You probably know that you are supposed to go to the dentist regularly. It might have been a while since you’ve been to the dentist, though. It can be hard to know what to do or expect from your first dental appointment when you haven’t been in years, but these tips should help you handle the situation properly. Choose the Right Dentist You might not even know which dentist you should go to after not going for a while. Read More»

Things To Know About Trench Mouth And Its Complications

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Trench mouth is not a term you will hear often. However, it is a serious periodontal disease. The name originated during the First World War when it was more common among trenched soldiers. The disease was documented well before that time, however. Trench mouth is not very common in modern times, but you can still get it under certain circumstances. If you don’t take care of it soon, you could lose your teeth. Read More»

Do Cavities Always Hurt?

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For many people, cavities are immediately associated with pain. It’s no surprise, considering that cavities can be quite painful. However, if you’re worried that you might have a cavity or are just curious, you might wonder if every cavity hurts. The simple answer is that no, not every cavity will necessarily hurt you. Here’s a breakdown of why and what you should do if you suspect you have a cavity. Read More»

3 Common Causes Of Tooth Pain

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Oral health is incredibly important, but many people ignore their oral health until something starts hurting. By then, the underlying issue could be thriving. You may have thinning enamel, gum pain, or even a tooth infection. If you would like to know more, check out these three common causes of tooth pain. Decay Tooth decay is an incredibly common cause of tooth pain because it creates pits in your teeth that act like open wounds. Read More»

3 Popular Types Of Invisible Braces

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People of all ages who are unhappy with their smile sometimes avoid braces for social, professional, or personal reasons. An emerging class of orthodontics called invisible braces is designed to meet the needs of these dental patients. There are several products on the market that use varying techniques to achieve discreet teeth straightening. This guide will explain three of the most popular types of invisible braces. 1. Ceramic Braces Ceramic braces were one of the first alternatives to metal braces with the goal of minimizing their appearance. Read More»